Friday, January 29, 2010

Soft Air Gums Do You Believe Everything You Were Told About 9/11 On TV?

Do you believe everything you were told about 9/11 on TV? - soft air gums


Cast steel (iron + carbon) in 1532, just C.

The fire did not burn the air hotter than 600 C, even in strong winds, just because of the lack of oxygen.

If the only source of oxygen for a kerosene fire is out, still air, while the flame temperature is typically at about 233 C and 250 C.

Fahrenheit 451 F = 233 C.

The sky is not for steel.

Not even a slowdown in steel.

Steel begins to lose some strength around 300 C. It is half strength greater than about 650 in high-tensile steel, C is reduced is always important, even in 1100, and behave like rubber, flexible, soft rubber, all the way to 1532 C - He remains a solid until 1532 C, the melting temperature.

The melting temperature of aluminum is about 550 ยบ C.

Never noticed the steel parts motorcycle engine break or collapse by the combustion of fuel?

or aluminum containers and cooking pots to melt steel in a fire? Why not?


m w said...

I have this trash 5 times. Why?

lare said...

I have personally experienced 2 fires in steel beam steel band because of the air "light. I think the reality is very different from science. Try to build a skyscraper of chewing gum. Can not be performed. When my pans Martha Stewart K-Mart melted. I do not get a refund. Who says you can not melting pot is an idiot.

bdwolfho... said...

Another pseudo-scientific conspiracy nuts --

tinkerta... said...

One question, why not, who organized this parody killed for trying to expose? When they were ready to kill 4000 innocent people, and certainly not hesitate, a little more to protect his secret.

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